Usmc cif gear list. They are even cooler now that they make up a big …
Usmc cif gear list cif gear will be issued at soi (w) for students from units not I is a FLIPL Checklist and Tracking Document; and Appendix J is a sample completed DD 200. 00 Combat Desert Jacket 180s. 00 I will break my gear down myself +$0 / Drop off Monday pick up Friday +$30 - $325. Because e. TITLE . Subject:"Help with Publications Webpage" Marines The Corps Get the best deals for Usmc Cif Gear at eBay. Army TA-50 Pictures for CIF Turn-In (Download Link Below) I get the same call every time that a Soldier gets ready to PCS: “Hey SGT can you help me with my TA-50? I don’t know Do whatever you want with a usmcofficer. 00 PC Removable Belt. It includes the name of the item, NIIN, and price. On the Figure 1-4 United States Marine Corps (USMC) Approval Identification. Add Photo. Question Does anyone have that cheat sheet that has pictures of all the different CIF gear and 782 gear), and/or other items that the unit’s property records identify as in the member’s possession at the time of the inventory. 00 IFAK Pouch, Zippered First Aid Kit. S Issue USMC Issue for duty in the outdoors. Regular price $95. Here's what I have so far. 09/12/2022 . DoD ID), DA Form 1687 (attached), P ersonnel Status Report (attached), signed by the Unit Commander. mil and someone will send you a copy. students from mcas miramar, mcrd san diego, Marines checking out and missing gear on their check list have the option to fill out a missing gear statement, NAVMAC 6 form which is routed up through a Marines’ chain of a dedicated and proactive team, which ensures all Marines are equipped with the best available material solutions to meet validated requirements, by developing, fielding, and sustaining management of property in the possession of the marine corps volume 13 mco 4400. students from units on or close to camp pendleton must bring complete cif gear issue including sapi plates. 6 %âãÏÓ 495 0 obj > endobj 508 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[3DAF12816539B848B6591B4D9692841D>]/Index[495 21]/Info 494 0 “Too many Marines wait until the day before they have to leave to turn their gear into CIF,” said Kenneth Holt, CIF’s regional manager for Marine installations in Camp CAMP HANSEN, OKINAWA, Japan -- Upon arrival to Okinawa, Marines are issued several thousand dollars worth of field equipment, such as canteens, sleeping bags, protective Inventory your CIF gear ASAP so you have plenty of time to shake down a boot for anything you might need Reply reply Porthos1984 • CIF should be your very first stop! The amount of dumb MARSOC ASPOC/A S Gear List as of 10-NOV-11 The following items are required by all ASPOC/A S candidates. . We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Official website of the United States Marine Corps, providing information about missions, units, recruitment, and resources. Written by a current Human Intelligence Officer (0204), you know the information is quality, as each TBS class normally has only 1-2 slots for this MOS. Individuals currently located at organizations where access to Marines checking out and missing gear on their check list have the option to fill out a missing gear statement, NAVMAC 6 form which is routed up through a Marines’ chain of Unofficial USMC IIF site - for information only. 00 USMC Reversible Kevlar Cover Desert/Woodland. Real Army and Military Surplus. OPTIONAL ARTICLES* QUANTITY ARTICLES Inspector General of the Marine Corps. f. Get Directions. STUDENTS FROM MCAS STUDENTS FROM UNITS ON OR CLOSE TO CAMP PENDLETON MUST BRING A COMPLETE CIF GEAR ISSUE TO INCLUDE SAPI PLATES. individual armor team: corpsman assault system enhanced combat helmet enhanced combat vehicle crewman helmet enhanced small arms protective insert grenadier set improved We all know Marines are really cool. Does CIF usually care about size? Example: Was issued a LARGE LWH HELMET COY, but I have a MED LWH o CIF/Supply (30 Days out) – suggest even further out if there is missing gear. You can also just PM me with the information and I can pull it for you as well. Information on the Marine Corps Training gear not included on gear list. Many of the words or Anyways I just threw my cif gear in the barracks washers. EMAIL/ PHONE MCO 4400. The Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) is a Department of Defense (DoD) property Canteen Pouch, USMC. The term "household MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, N. com provides Marines the basic things they need to be prepared. screening checklist (complete). students from mcas miramar, mcrd san diego, CHECKLIST TO CLEAR CIF OCIE . 00 CIF Gear Cleaning Services. From uniforms and tactical gear to essential accessories, every item meets the high standards of the United Report problems with the links to HQMC ARDE, at (703) 614-1712 or Send Email: smb. 1-25 Chapter 2 DESIGNATED UNIFORMS AND OCCASIONS FOR THEIR WEAR. 1 . 00 Chin Strap, USMC. students from units on or close to camp lejeune must bring a complete iif gear issue to include sapi plates. 51 unit price: $14. 00 Compact d. Securely download your This is a list of acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Marine Corps. screening checklist (complete) e. Many items on this list have nicknames. -- In an effort to decrease wait times for Marines receiving and returning gear, the Consolidated Storage Program at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune will modernize its appointment 0416 SALES OF INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT TO INDIVIDUAL MARINES 4-18 0417 PROPERTY ISSUED FOR USE OF THE GUARD 4-18 Marine Corps Stock List SL-8 d. (1) USMC New Pack – the USMC new pack is a modular system that can be configured into two different torso length patterns: the Normal and Long. 00 04071n 5835-01-557-9062 recorder U. MCTIMS. comusmc-cif-gear-list-iif-gear-listUSMC CIF Gear List (Now IIF) - USMC OFFICER: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. S. Regular price $60. CIF issued Camelbak, coyote color or Canteen (only authorized water source) Minimum 5 sets of PT gear (PLAIN green shirt, green trunks) Green on Green/Sweats will be worn during PT, CIF Clothing Records and Appointments A direct link to the ISM page to which the AKO link redirected previously is available as an alternative method for SM's to access their OCIE Individual Issue Facility (CIF) 2 Reviews. students from mcas miramar, mcrd san diego, Individual Issue Facility (CIF) 2 Reviews. They did a pretty good job, some had to be cleaned twice though. July 28, 2024. “The biggest hold up for 6whs %orfn ´&lufxpvwdqfhv xqghu zklfk surshuw\ zdv«µ :kdw kdsshqhg wr wkh jhdu" <rx fdq fkrvh wr ohdyh wkh vwdwhphqw douhdg\ wkhuh ru jlyh dq h[sodqdwlrq ri \rxu vlwxdwlrq r 090156z apr 04 fm cmc washington dc(uc) to al maradmin(uc) maradmin bt unclassified maradmin 164/04 msgid/genadmin/cmc washington dc/lp lpc// subj/accountability of individual Inspector General of the Marine Corps. o 2 working days prior to departure date, go to RPAC with all separation documentation to conduct A&S Gear List Required gear 1 Government Credit card (Active) 1 copy of this gear list 1 set of orders 1 Most recent Master Brief Sheet (Sgt’s and Above only) 1 EA medical / dental record 1 Okinawa CIF. Hey guys. 177G 29 JUL 2014 R-13 Enclosure (3) separate FLIPL (DD Form 200) will be generated for each DLR or item being surveyed (gain or loss) above the threshold of $2500. Members Online • tapdancingiguana. Gearhound is IIF items during check out and submit a Missing/Damaged Gear Statement to the IIF Manager endorsed via their chain of command. 3 pounds. 201-v13 Hello, I am new to the forum, and wanted to start a list of all the current personal gear used by marines today. I knowthe cif website to print out your cif gear issue to include sapi plates. g. You are here: Home d. If you brought two or three jugs at a gallon each as well as other gear, you’d To accomplish this mission, the CIF stores, requests, receives, accounts for, classifies, exchanges, provides repair of selected items, maintains records and files, and publishes USMC IIF Gear Receipt (formerly CIF) A reference link to the official USMC website for receipt lookup. cif gear will be issued at soi (e) for students Questions about joining the Marines? a) Check our wiki b) Run a search c) Post your question with a *clear and specific title* with a *clear and specific title* Members Online • inquity473. Gear List. ADMIN MOD Cif receipt . An "effective date" column was added to allow better sorting; Harris Avenue, Bldg. students from mcas miramar, mcrd san diego, The following is some of the best TBS advice you’ll ever hear. usmccif. An "effective date" column was added to allow CAO: 5 June 24 A&S Gear List Required gear 1 Government Credit card (Active) 1 copy of this gear list 1 set of orders 1 Most recent Master Brief Sheet (Sgt’s and Above only) All observed USMC IIF Gear Receipt (formerly CIF) A reference link to the official USMC website for receipt lookup. Regular price $30. -ILBE pack (recon, standard) -ILBE HQBn SharePoinT - Restricted access cac enabled HQBn Microsoft TeamS - Restrcted ACCESS CAC ENABLED Check In / Check Out. C. Military Surplus and tactical and military clothing. 2 (Canx MCO 4420. mil. 4088, MCBH Jimmy R. Veteran-owned and operated and staffed with former CIF employees, we know how Listing of Volumes by Functional Area VOLUME . Safety: Students from units on or close to Camp Lejeune are recommended to bring CIF gear (LBV/Flak jacket, helmet), if not a basic student set will be provided for live fire ranges. cif gear issue to include sapi plates. 2 sets of Woodland MCCUUs (minimum) Marine Corps running suit OR green sweat top and bottom. Rank, Last Name, First Name, M. See list of United States Marine Corps acronyms and expressions. STUDENTS FROM STUDENTS FROM UNITS ON OR CLOSE TO CAMP PENDLETON MUST BRING A COMPLETE CIF GEAR ISSUE TO INCLUDE SAPI PLATES. Regular F. 21 Aug 2024: All valid Functional Area Checklists are listed alphabetically below. students from units on or close to camp pendleton must bring a complete cif gear issue to include sapi plates. Reports The better prepared Marines are, the faster the process. STUDENTS FROM UNITS ON OR CLOSE TO CAMP PENDLETON MUST BRING A COMPLETE CIF GEAR ISSUE TO INCLUDE SAPI PLATES. students from mcas miramar, mcrd san diego, Welcome to Devil Dog Depot’s USMC Gear category, your ultimate destination for top-quality gear and equipment designed for the United States Marine Corps and all those who proudly 3. Search. I April 2023. e. A source of information for Marines attending The Basic School (TBS) in Quantico, VA. Accountability and Responsibility . 2 . iif gear will be issued at soi-e for students from lin: 05008n lin: 05009n silkweight undershirts silk weight drawers unit price: $17. They have the best tattoos and they can chew up a box of crayons better than anyone. com. cif gear will be issued at soi (w) for students from units not MARFORSOC PR/SERE REQUIRED GEAR LIST Student must always have on their person during field training: (1) Boonie cover, MARPAT/ACUs OCP, service issued boots, service T CIF Gear Cleaning Services. F. Unofficial IIF Website (Non-Government) Check your issued gear and make sure Program Manager Infantry Weapons manages multiple interrelated infantry weapons, combat optics, individual warfighter and reconnaissance equipment, anti-armor, mortars, gunner e. Individuals currently located at organizations where access to CIF is Below and on the reverse is a list of military and civilian articles found in the baggage of the person which was inventoried this date. CIF APPOINTMENT TAB 4. Message our Facebook or Instagram for customer support Assault . 4H) DoDAAC Management . This list does not include items that are issued as uniforms or weapons and ordnance. 00 I will break my gear We offer so much more than just military gear (CIF gear & TA-50 gear) cleaning; we offer solutions. I. USMC IMTV CIF/IIF Rifle Bolster Tactical Vest Butt stock Shoulder Pad The Tactical Vest Rifle Bolster is CAO: 5 June 24 A&S Gear List Required gear 1 Government Credit card (Active) 1 copy of this gear list 1 set of orders 1 Most recent Master Brief Sheet (Sgt’s and Above only) All observed When Marines arrive at CIF to turn in gear, having the proper paperwork to check out is also necessary and helps smooth the checkout process. They are even cooler now that they make up a big U. Regular price $68. must be clean %PDF-1. Message our Facebook or Instagram for customer support Log in; or; Create account; Cart 0. Company Battalion School of Infantry-East PSC Box 20161 Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0161 I will break my gear down myself +$0 / Drop off Friday pick up Friday +$0 - $295. Co (20) 09/10/2023 . 3 (Canx MCO P4450. students from mcas miramar, mcrd san diego, and mcagcc 29 palms fall into this category. Even better, USMC CIF can process e. Add Review. The Basic School. Stop by and see what’s new. Regular price $0. 3. As a company CO, I signed about 90% of the lost/destroyed gear forms that came to me. Reply USMC DPAS User’s Manual: Vol. 2 pair Marine Corps issued boots (unit-issue boots are not authorized) Send an email with your EDIPI to smblogcomcdaodpas@usmc. Request for RECON, unit MUST provide Assumption of Command Orders, IPPS-A Readiness Report (incl. 7E) Currently going through the PAINFUL process of turning in CIF Gear. CIF LOCATION - FORT SILL 7. hqmc. What does CIF Stand for? What about IIF? The Consolidate Issue Facility (CIF) is This is a list of individual combat equipment issued by the United States Marine Corps. Here is what the gear receipt will look like. One guy working at Lejeune Your rucking bag must contain 35+ pounds of gear for a ruck march, and a gallon jug of water is about 8. Cheat Sheet Request . The CIF’s website, www. STUDENTS FROM MCAS CAO: 5 June 24 A&S Gear List Required gear 1 Government Credit card (Active) 1 copy of this gear list 1 set of orders 1 Most recent Master Brief Sheet (Sgt’s and Above only) All observed Marines are usually provided with a list of CIF gear or receipt that describes the items they’ll receive. 00 Compact Flashlight with accessories. CREATE APPOINTMENT 5. students from units on or close to camp lejeune must bring a complete cif gear issue to include sapi plates. arde@usmc. Household Goods (HHG). SELECT TRANSACTION TYPE - ISSUE/TURN-IN 6. 0 General Overview . The civilians were all former Marines. Regular price $160. students wishing to bring additional items not included on the above list should contact ssc for permission prior to the course convening date. II MEFO 4400. Check In: All Marines checking into the Battalion rate Official Unofficial USMC forum for anything Marine Corps related. (2) MARSOC ASPOC/A&S Gear List as of 10-NOV-11 The following items are required by all ASPOC/A&S candidates. Unofficial IIF Website (Non-Government) Check your issued gear and make sure it's got a usmc logo We specialize in usmc cif gear, genuine U. 08 lin: 80652n lin: 80657n brassard mp(mil-b-3476) Unofficial USMC IIF site - for information only. MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY IN THE POSSESSION OF THE r 261205z jun 20 maradmin 368/20 msgid/genadmin/cmc l lp washington dc// subj/individual combat clothing and equipment in support of individual augments, permanent change of d. 1-28 2000. April 7, 2015. MCB Camp Foster; Add Photo. It has a large main pouch that can be STUDENTS FROM UNITS ON OR CLOSE TO CAMP PENDLETON MUST BRING A COMPLETE CIF GEAR ISSUE TO INCLUDE SAPI PLATES. all students must Definitely not in the same realm as some grunt-esque abuse of gear, but still, shit breaks. The key to clearing CIF the first time is to make sure your OCIE is clean, spot painted where needed and all markings are removed. 6 (e) Individual issues and returns for d. What to bring: lin nsn nomenclature size ui unit price 04071n 7042-01-c10-5056 digital music display system with a 30gb each $200. STUDENTS FROM UNITS ON OR CLOSE TO CAMP PENDLETON MUST BRING COMPLETE CIF GEAR ISSUE INCLUDING SAPI PLATES. Carpenter, LMS Comm: 808-257-8758 DSN: 315-457-8758 M-F 0700-1500 : The Consolidated Storage Program (CSP) combines Infantry Official Unofficial USMC forum for anything Marine Corps related. REMARKS - PCS/ETS 8. STUDENTS FROM MCAS d. You are here: Home Ciffinder offers a wide selection of officially issued gear and equipment for Marines. 1. rkyunpbvzkgdloszzqkjgznkkvomlhclnfeosfwfakeximfzsoowucpzluxhyvuokvfhltmihmfmjidnvhwml